Project Permissions

Working on projects is a collaborative experience. Users can be added to projects as co-owners, editors, or viewers.


Owners have full control of the project. They’re able to configure project level settings, manage other users on the project, and have full access to the Builder.


Editors have limited control of a project. They have access to the Builder, so they can make changes to the contents of the project. However, editors cannot change project-level settings or manage other users on the project.


Viewers have a view-only permission; they don’t have access to project-level settings or the Builder. They are only allowed to view the finished project in the Viewer.

User Permissions

If you’re an owner, you can manage all the users on your project.

You can manage your project’s users by clicking on the three vertical dots on a project card. This will open up a dialog box showing project-level settings, as well as a permissions manager.

Creating User Permissions

To add a user to the project, press on the green + at the bottom right of the permissions manager. This shows a box where you can search for a user within your organization and set their initial permission status.

Press the green + Add button to confirm the user permission.

Editing User Permissions

In the permissions manager, you can change permissions for existing users on the project by using the dropdown on the right of each user’s row. Permission edits take effect immediately.

Project Permissions